Why bother with the consultation?

That’s a great question!  “A happy camper is a prepared camper”. Because you are investing both time and money into the process of custom pet photography, 
doesn’t it make sense to be prepared? Of course!

This is done by discussing the types of photos you’re looking for, learning about your pet’s quirks and different sides to their personality (the consultation). We get to 
know your pet better. We’ll also discuss what prints and products you want to purchase afterwards. When you enter into the shoot already having a good idea of 
what you’d like to do with the images afterward, it helps make the process easier. We might get detail shots to go make into a challenging puzzle, one big happy 
smiley face shot for a large canvas, a series of funny faces for a wall grouping of same-sized prints, a striking profile shot in front of a richly-colored wall for note 
cards, or all of the above! Knowing the end uses of the photographs, really helps us to provide you with exactly what you want.

Each consultation is included in the creative fee, and takes place at the start of your photo shoot.

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